• Montessori Screwdriver Board

    1,875.00 (Incl. of Taxes)
    Boosts spatial awareness | Improves hand-eye coordination | Hones fine motor skills | Aids wrist development | Helps understand logic | Fosters independence
  • Wooden Blocks with Tray

    1,850.00 (Incl. of Taxes)
    Boosts spatial awareness | Improves hand-eye coordination | Hones fine motor skills | Aids wrist development | Helps understand logic | Encourages creativity and imagination…
  • Wooden Tone Drum

    1,299.00 (Incl. of Taxes)
    Hones motor skills | Improves hand-eye coordination | Builds hand dexterity | Develops a sense of rhythm | Strengthens arm musculature | Enhances auditory perception 
  • Wooden Spinning Drum

    1,299.00 (Incl. of Taxes)
    Encourages tummy time | Strengthens core muscles | Hones motor skills | Improves hand-eye coordination | Helps understand cause and effect | Develops visual sense
  • Montessori Imbucare Peg Box

    1,249.00 (Incl. of Taxes)
    Promotes problem solving skills | Hones finger and wrist movement | Trains the sleight of hand | Refines fine motor skill | Improves concentration |…
  • Montessori Single Shape Puzzle Set

    1,095.00 (Incl. of Taxes)
    Strengthens fine motor skills | Hones finger and wrist movement | Promotes problem solving | Helps learn basics of geometry | Improves concentration | Enhances…
  • Wooden Rainbow Wobbly Toy

    660.00 (Incl. of Taxes)
    A great tummy time aid | Promotes early movement skills | Strengthens muscles | Builds focus | Enables both eyes to work together | Encourages…
  • Montessori Clutch Ball

    660.00 (Incl. of Taxes)
    Hones fine motor skills | Develops different finger grasps | Improves dynamic visual tracking | Fosters sensory development | Enhances cognitive development
  • Montessori Octahedron Mobile

    600.00 (Incl. of Taxes)
    Introduces primary colors | Offers visual stimulation | Improves dynamic visual tracking | Fosters sensory development | Enhances cognitive development
  • Crochet Sensory Balls

    600.00 (Incl. of Taxes)
    Develops sense of touch | Aids brain development | Hones fine motor skills | Sensory play | Helps learn colors | Introduces early math skills
  • Montessori Wooden Tray

    599.00 (Incl. of Taxes)
    Helps teach order | Develops focus, coordination, and balance | Fosters independent thinking | Understanding of how objects relate to each other
  • Montessori Rainbow Mobile

    550.00 (Incl. of Taxes)
    Offers visual stimulation | Improves dynamic visual tracking | Fosters sensory development | Enhances cognitive development | Hones hand-eye coordination